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Market Report for Tuesday, August 8, 2023




3 blk bulls 330 347.50 Netawaka KS

1 bwf bull 315 342.50 Onaga KS

2 blk bulls 300 340.00 Valley Falls KS

9 blk strs 480 332.50 Americus KS

12 blk strs 560 323.00 Americus KS

3 blk bbf strs 326 320.00 Atchison KS

5 blk char strs 566 318.00 Netawaka KS

10 blk strs 398 318.00 Americus KS

4 blk bbf strs 554 315.00 Holton KS

12 blk red strs 544 315.00 Holton KS

4 blk strs 518 310.00 Verdon NE

33 blk char strs 569 310.00 Holton KS

8 blk strs 511 309.00 Corning KS

4 blk strs 517 308.00 Leavenworth KS

9 blk bwf strs 572 307.50 Leavenworth KS

5 blk bwf bulls 506 307.00 Onaga KS

5 blk strs 417 307.00 Winchester KS

5 blk bulls 393 305.00 Easton KS

11 blk bwf strs 532 305.00 Holton KS

4 blk strs 547 303.00 Effingham KS

1 blk str 395 300.00 Holton KS

1 blk str 405 300.00 Holton KS

1 blk str 485 300.00 Winchester KS

1 bwf str 470 300.00 Holton KS

2 bwf strs 492 300.00 Horton KS

2 blk char strs 545 298.00 Wheaton KS

5 bwf rwf strs 556 297.50 Horton KS

7 blk gry strs 452 297.50 Holton KS

3 blk bbf strs 615 295.00 Soldier KS

1 blk bull 510 292.50 Netawaka KS

1 blk str 455 292.50 Oskaloosa KS

3 blk bulls 418 292.50 Netawaka KS

1 blk str 450 290.00 Netawaka KS

19 blk char strs 633 290.00 Netawaka KS

6 red rwf strs 486 287.50 Leavenworth KS

1 blk male 240 285.00 Holton KS

1 blk str 440 285.00 Corning KS

1 bwf str 495 285.00 McLouth KS

2 blk strs 402 285.00 Atchison KS

37 blk red strs 679 283.50 Netawaka KS

1 blk str 565 282.50 Netawaka KS

4 bwf rwf strs 518 282.00 McLouth KS

7 blk bbf strs 665 281.00 Holton KS

1 gwf bull 355 280.00 Mayetta KS

1 red str 330 280.00 Leavenworth KS

10 red rwf strs 595 280.00 Leavenworth KS

13 blk char strs 672 280.00 Wheaton KS

29 blk red strs 684 280.00 Holton KS

4 char blk strs 632 279.00 Holton KS

5 blk bwf strs 539 278.00 Topeka KS

1 blk str 385 275.00 Winchester KS

1 blk str 560 267.50 Circleville KS

1 blk bull 490 265.00 Easton KS

2 blk bwf strs 515 265.00 Atchison KS

8 blk bwf strs 579 265.00 Holton KS

19 char strs 712 264.50 Netawaka KS

4 blk bwf strs 647 264.00 Holton KS

2 blk strs 513 260.00 Mayetta KS

1 gry bull 555 260.00 Winchester KS

70 mix strs 770 259.35 Holton KS

3 bbf strs 730 259.00 Soldier KS

4 blk char strs 746 259.00 Holton KS

7 blk bbf bulls 584 259.00 Netawaka KS

2 blk strs 445 255.00 Winchester KS

146 mix strs 831 252.75 Holton KS

2 bwf strs 650 252.50 Holton KS

7 blk rwf strs 722 252.00 Nortonville KS

69 blk char strs 808 251.75 Valley Falls KS

1 blk bull 470 250.00 Hiawatha KS

1 blk str 330 250.00 Topeka KS

1 blk str 495 250.00 Onaga KS

1 blk str short tail 435 250.00 Americus KS

1 bwf str 415 250.00 McLouth KS

1 bwf str 470 250.00 McLouth KS

95 blk bwf strs 877 248.00 Holton KS

1 bwf str 710 247.50 Americus KS

5 red strs 805 247.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk str 660 245.00 Effingham KS

30 blk red strs 826 244.50 Holton KS

55 blk bwf strs 897 244.00 Holton KS

17 char blk strs 825 243.00 Wheaton KS

16 blk bwf strs 804 242.50 Nortonville KS

116 mix strs 929 240.00 Valley Falls KS

1 red str 790 237.00 Effingham KS

13 blk red strs 879 236.00 Valley Falls KS

1 blk str 600 235.00 Circleville KS

2 blk strs 698 235.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk stripe str 790 233.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk str 730 232.50 Effingham KS

1 blk bull 590 230.00 Dearborn MO

1 gwf str 670 230.00 Holton KS

6 blk bulls 696 226.00 Easton KS

1 herf str 455 225.00 Horton KS

1 red str 715 225.00 Bismarck ND

3 brwn strs 456 222.50 Leavenworth KS

1 blk str 585 220.00 Mayetta KS

8 blk bulls 711 220.00 Eudora KS

1 blk str eye 420 215.00 Americus KS

2 blk bulls 720 215.00 Dearborn MO

1 blk str 455 210.00 Winchester KS

1 blk str 790 210.00 Easton KS

1 rwf str 810 205.00 Berryton KS

1 blk str 885 204.00 Corning KS

1 blk str eye 470 202.50 Americus KS

1 blk str 655 195.00 Holton KS

1 rwf str 305 195.00 Corning KS

1 blk bull eye 590 192.50 Easton KS

1 blk male 855 190.00 Valley Falls KS

1 blk bull 940 187.50 Eudora KS

1 blk bull 1065 185.00 Dearborn MO

2 bwf bulls 935 177.50 Goff KS

1 blk str nose 1015 174.00 Valley Falls KS

7 blk red strs 642 172.50 Onaga KS

1 blk spot str 530 170.00 Circleville KS

1 char str long toes 840 170.00 Holton KS

1 blk str 740 165.00 Corning KS


2 bwf rwf hfrs 217 320.00 Horton KS

3 blk bwf hfrs 370 312.50 Netawaka KS

2 blk hfrs 357 310.00 Atchison KS

3 blk bwf hfrs 409 305.00 Verdon NE

4 blk hfrs 323 300.00 Valley Falls KS

4 blk hfrs 415 300.00 Holton KS

21 blk hfrs 531 288.00 Americus KS

10 blk char hfrs 530 287.00 Netawaka KS

11 blk hfrs 313 287.00 Mayetta KS

16 char blk hfrs 508 285.00 Holton KS

3 blk hfrs 328 282.50 Netawaka KS

1 blk hfr 340 280.00 Leavenworth KS

15 blk red hfrs 541 280.00 Holton KS

12 blk hfrs 442 279.00 Americus KS

7 blk bwf hfrs 491 276.00 Holton KS

5 blk hfrs 530 275.00 Effingham KS

2 blk hfrs 435 272.50 Holton KS

6 blk bbf hfrs 592 272.50 Holton KS

21 char blk hfrs 591 272.50 Holton KS

4 blk hfrs 568 271.00 Holton KS

1 blk hfr 405 270.00 Effingham KS

2 blk hfrs 247 270.00 Valley Falls KS

23 mix hfrs 647 268.50 Lebo KS

3 blk hfrs 555 268.00 Holton KS

17 char blk hfrs 612 268.00 Netawaka KS

2 blk hfrs 460 267.50 Atchison KS

1 blk hfr 180 265.00 McLouth KS

1 blk hfr 440 265.00 Verdon NE

2 blk hfrs 392 265.00 Holton KS

2 bwf hfrs 625 265.00 Havensville KS

2 blk hfrs 572 264.00 Leavenworth KS

3 blk hfrs 581 262.00 Effingham KS

3 blk hfrs 555 260.00 Lebo KS

16 mix hfrs 597 260.00 Wheaton KS

25 blk red hfrs 674 258.50 Netawaka KS

2 blk hfrs 575 257.50 Eudora KS

28 blk red hfrs 659 257.50 Holton KS

4 blk hfrs 451 255.00 Winchester KS

8 blk bwf hfrs 547 254.00 Topeka KS

1 blk hfr 240 250.00 Holton KS

1 blk hfr 315 250.00 Kansas City KS

1 bwf hfr 470 250.00 McLouth KS

2 blk hfrs 482 250.00 Winchester KS

14 blk char hfrs 651 250.00 Holton KS

4 blk bwf hfrs 637 249.00 Holton KS

4 blk hfrs 500 247.00 Onaga KS

10 red hfrs 689 247.00 Netawaka KS

73 blk bwf hfrs 748 246.25 Holton KS

2 blk hfrs 522 246.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk hfr yt 625 245.00 Holton KS

1 rwf hfr 650 243.00 Leavenworth KS

7 bwf rwf hfrs 657 243.00 Soldier KS

2 bwf hfrs 495 240.00 Holton KS

3 blk red hfrs 411 240.00 Topeka KS

22 mix hfrs 704 240.00 Wheaton KS

8 blk hfrs 670 237.00 Eudora KS

3 red rwf hfrs 500 236.00 Leavenworth KS

1 blk hfr 450 235.00 Hiawatha KS

1 gry hfr eye 675 235.00 Holton KS

3 red blk hfrs 568 235.00 Grantville KS

1 blk hfr 365 230.00 Winchester KS

1 herf hfr 295 230.00 Horton KS

2 blk hfrs 707 230.00 Holton KS

3 blk hfrs 163 225.00 Lawrence KS

3 blk hfrs 786 224.00 Hiawatha KS

1 blk hfr 480 223.00 Onaga KS

1 red hfr 575 222.00 Mayetta KS

1 gry hfr 635 221.00 Mayetta KS

3 blk hfrs eyes 393 217.50 Americus KS

1 blk hfr 735 216.00 Effingham KS

1 blk hfr 520 215.00 Lebo KS

2 blk hfrs 882 215.00 Holton KS

3 rwf hfrs 511 215.00 Tonganoxie KS

2 red hfrs 445 214.00 Grantville KS

1 rwf hfr 760 213.00 Onaga KS

2 blk hfrs 790 213.00 Netawaka KS

1 red hfr 680 211.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk hfr 645 195.00 Lebo KS

1 blk hfr 490 192.50 Lawrence KS

1 blk spot hfr 555 192.50 Circleville KS

1 blk hfr 430 190.00 McLouth KS

1 red hfr 1050 185.00 Holton KS

2 blk hfrs 605 185.00 Netawaka KS


1 red bull 105 335.00 Morrill KS

1 wht park bull 120 310.00 Corning KS

1 blk x bull 115 240.00 Axtell KS

1 blk bull 75 200.00 Baileyville KS


1 blk pair 5yr 1465 1,900.00 Lancaster KS

1 blk pair 5yr 995 1,350.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk red pair A 1155 1,300.00 Mayetta KS

9 blk cows 3-4yr 3pr 1230 2,550.00 Marceline MO

1 blk cow 6yr 3pr 1120 1,600.00 Netawaka KS

2 blk bwf cows 2-3yr 2pr 972 1,500.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk cow 2yr 2pr 1130 1,350.00 Havensville KS

1 blk cow 4yr 3pr 1190 1,275.00 Marceline MO


1 blk hfr 1yr 1pr 820 172.50 Sabetha KS

1 red hfrt 1075 157.50 Onaga KS

1 blk hfrt 1190 155.00 Winchester KS

1 red hfrt 1110 144.00 Onaga KS

1 blk hfrt 1015 140.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk hfrt 920 140.00 Netawaka KS

1 bwf hfrt 1005 137.50 Marysville KS

1 red hfrt 1120 135.00 Leavenworth KS

1 blk hfrt 760 131.00 Netawaka KS

1 char cow 1935 130.00 Atchison KS

1 hols cow 1680 128.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1385 127.00 Kansas City MO

1 hols cow 1885 127.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 875 125.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 7yr 1pr 1480 125.00 Denison KS

1 red cow 1575 125.00 Morrill KS

1 blk cow 1095 124.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1470 124.00 Kansas City KS

1 blk cow 6yr 1pr 1270 124.00 Denison KS

1 blk cow 1375 123.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1395 123.00 Circleville KS

1 blk cow 1515 123.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1685 123.00 Whiting KS

1 bwf cow 7yr 2pr 1640 123.00 Netawaka KS

1 hols cow 2045 123.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1390 122.00 Effingham KS

1 blk cow 1450 122.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 5yr 2pr 1040 122.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk cow 1190 121.00 Winchester KS

1 blk cow 1310 121.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 1415 121.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1470 121.00 Holton KS

1 hols cow 1920 121.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 830 120.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk cow 5yr 2pr 1385 120.00 Netawaka KS

1 bwf cow 6yr 3pr 1410 120.00 Morrill KS

1 red cow 1620 120.00 Sabetha KS

1 blk cow 1320 119.00 Holton KS

1 hols cow 1670 119.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1900 119.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1155 118.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1280 118.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1315 118.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 1325 118.00 Kansas City KS

1 blk cow 1525 118.00 Holton KS

1 hols cow 1825 118.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1265 117.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1070 117.00 Netawaka KS

1 bwf cow 6yr 1pr 1225 117.00 Denison KS

1 hols cow 1610 117.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1270 116.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 1310 116.00 Lancaster KS

1 blk cow 4yr 1pr 915 116.00 Netawaka KS

1 hols cow 1835 116.00 Seneca KS

1 bwf cow 7yr 2pr 1305 115.00 Netawaka KS

1 hols cow 1670 115.00 Seneca KS

1 jers cow 1370 115.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 1135 114.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 1410 114.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 4yr 1pr 1250 114.00 Havensville KS

1 char cow 1405 114.00 Atchison KS

1 hols cow 1570 114.00 Axtell KS

1 hols cow 1640 114.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1860 114.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1930 114.00 Bern KS

1 red hols cow 1400 114.00 Centralia KS

2 bwf blk cows 4-5yr 1-2pr 1042 114.00 Netawaka KS

1 blk cow 1245 113.00 Lancaster KS

1 blk cow 1085 113.00 Netawaka KS

1 hols cow 1430 113.00 Axtell KS

1 hols cow 1450 113.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1585 113.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1980 113.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 red hols cow 1570 113.00 Centralia KS

1 red hols cow 1745 113.00 Centralia KS

1 bwf cow 6yr 2pr 1155 112.00 Netawaka KS

1 hols cow 1600 112.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1865 112.00 Centralia KS

1 red hols cow 1480 112.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 965 111.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk cow 1290 111.00 Lancaster KS

1 hols cow 1140 111.00 Baileyville KS

1 red hols cow 1210 111.00 Bern KS

1 rwf cow 8yr 3pr 1185 111.00 Horton KS

1 blk cow 925 110.00 Onaga KS

1 blk cow 1005 110.00 Atchison KS

1 blk cow 1065 110.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1545 110.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1590 110.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1625 110.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1780 110.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1095 109.00 Holton KS

1 blk cow 1285 109.00 Corning KS

1 blk cow 7yr 1pr 1235 109.00 McLouth KS

1 bwf cow 1310 109.00 Horton KS

1 hols cow 1370 109.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1450 109.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1465 109.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1630 109.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1750 109.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1755 109.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 hols cow 1775 109.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 hols x cow 1200 109.00 Centralia KS

1 red cow 1230 109.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1030 108.00 Kansas City MO

1 blk cow 7yr 2pr 1080 108.00 Netawaka KS

1 bwf cow 1485 108.00 Seneca KS

1 char cow 1225 108.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 hols cow 1295 108.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1435 108.00 Centralia KS

1 hols cow 1670 108.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1035 107.00 Atchison KS

1 blk cow 1125 107.00 Nortonville KS

1 blk cow 1105 107.00 McLouth KS

1 bwf cow 1570 107.00 Horton KS

1 hols cow 1285 107.00 Axtell KS

1 hols cow 1415 107.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1430 107.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1430 107.00 Centralia KS

1 hols cow 1455 107.00 Seneca KS

1 char cow 1210 106.00 Atchison KS

1 hols cow 1175 106.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1495 106.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1505 106.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1525 106.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1555 106.00 Centralia KS

1 hols cow 1965 106.00 Bern KS

1 blk cow 1345 105.00 Sabetha KS

1 hols cow 1275 105.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1325 105.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1360 105.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1515 105.00 Bern KS

1 red hols cow 1445 105.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 blk cow 1185 104.00 Mayetta KS

1 hols cow 1200 104.00 Holton KS

1 hols cow 1355 104.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1555 104.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1625 104.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1900 104.00 Seneca KS

1 jers cow 945 103.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 1280 102.00 Nortonville KS

1 bwf cow 1015 102.00 Soldier KS

1 bwf cow 1125 102.00 Soldier KS

1 bwf cow 1280 102.00 Nortonville KS

1 hols cow 1120 102.00 Seneca KS

1 hols cow 1200 102.00 Centralia KS

1 jers cow 1165 102.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 990 100.00 Easton KS

1 blk cow 1015 100.00 Lancaster KS

1 blk cow 1215 100.00 Powhattan KS

1 hols cow 1220 100.00 Fairview KS

1 hols cow 1410 100.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 875 99.00 Winchester KS

1 blk cow 1155 99.00 Everest KS

1 bwf cow 1190 99.00 Horton KS

1 hols cow 1140 99.00 Axtell KS

1 brwn cow 1215 98.00 Leavenworth KS

1 hols cow 1590 98.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 955 97.00 Mayetta KS

1 hols cow 1440 97.00 Baileyville KS

1 hols cow 1135 96.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1415 96.00 Bern KS

1 jers cow 1315 96.00 Centralia KS

1 blk cow 990 95.00 Nortonville KS

1 blk cow 1340 95.00 Mayetta KS

1 blk cow 7yr 3pr 1180 95.00 Valley Falls KS

1 blk cow 1150 94.00 Nortonville KS

1 hols cow 1395 94.00 Oskaloosa KS

1 hols cow 1240 92.50 Bern KS

1 hols cow 955 92.00 Seneca KS

1 hols x cow 1100 92.00 Bern KS

1 hols cow 1335 90.00 Seneca KS

1 blk cow 1170 88.00 Holton KS

1 hols cow 1150 88.00 Centralia KS

1 hols cow 1140 85.00 Seneca KS

1 red lh cow 895 81.00 Lawrence KS


1 bwf bull 990 172.00 Easton KS

1 char bull 1910 140.00 Soldier KS

1 blk bull 1710 139.00 Seneca KS

1 blk bull 2225 138.00 Whiting KS

1 blk bull 1735 135.00 Hoyt KS

1 blk bull 1115 134.00 Liberty NE

1 blk bull 1815 134.00 Whiting KS

1 char bull 1755 133.00 Wetmore KS

1 herf bull 1945 133.00 Atchison KS

1 blk bull 1500 132.00 Holton KS

1 blk bull 1100 130.00 Stella NE

1 char bull 1135 129.00 Muscotah KS

1 hols str 2060 128.00 Centralia KS

1 blk bull 1595 126.00 Sabetha KS

1 blk bull 2110 126.00 Wetmore KS

1 blk bull 1355 125.00 Seneca KS

1 blk bull 1595 125.00 Onaga KS

1 blk bull 1240 124.00 Topeka KS

1 blk bull 1425 123.00 Easton KS

1 blk bull 1495 118.00 Wetmore KS

1 bwf bull 1275 112.00 Kansas City KS

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